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Why Do We Translate When Learning English and How to Improve This Practice?

Actualizado: 30 dic 2023

Learning English can be filled with unexpected challenges. From reliance on our native language to the phenomenon of code-switching, it's crucial to identify and tackle these issues for effective progress. Below, we explore six common difficulties, offering two practical solutions for each.

1. Skills Below Level B1

At the beginner levels, A1 and A2, students often rely on their native language to understand and communicate in English. This reliance can slow down the learning process and limit the ability to think directly in English.

  • Solutions:

  1. Regular Practice: Establish a daily routine of practicing English, focusing on basic vocabulary and simple grammatical structures.

  2. Use of Appropriate Level Materials: Choose books, apps, and other resources specifically designed for your linguistic competence level.

2. Lack of Confidence

Many students feel insecure speaking or writing in English, leading them to rely on translation as a safety mechanism. This lack of confidence can be a significant barrier to fluent communication.

  • Solutions:

  1. Participation in Conversation Groups: Join language exchange groups where you can practice English in a supportive environment.

  2. Role-Playing Exercises: Practice everyday situations in English through role-playing games to gain confidence in a controlled setting.

3. Lack of Exposure to English

Not being immersed in an English-speaking environment limits natural exposure to the language. This lack of exposure can cause the mind to default to the native language.

  • Solutions:

  1. Consumption of English Media: Spend time watching movies, listening to music, or reading books in English to improve your understanding and vocabulary.

  2. Use of English in Applications: Set your devices and applications to English to increase your daily exposure to the language.

4. Lack of Habit

Practicing English only as a task or obligation can make it feel like an additional burden, decreasing the effectiveness of learning.

  • Solutions:

  1. Establishing Daily Routines in English: Integrate English into daily activities, like journaling or doing household chores while listening to English podcasts.

  2. Small and Consistent Goals: Set small, achievable daily or weekly goals to maintain steady progress.

5. Lack of Use of Comprehensible Input

Using materials that are above the level of comprehension can be demotivating and counterproductive, as students cannot understand the content without resorting to translation.

  • Solutions:

  1. Selection of Appropriate Content: Choose materials that are slightly above your current level to challenge you without overwhelming.

  2. Use of Support Tools: Rely on visual dictionaries or context translation apps to clarify specific doubts.

6. Gaps in Knowledge of Structures or Speech Acts

Gaps in knowledge of certain grammatical structures or speech acts in English can lead to communication errors and a greater dependence on the native language.

  • Solutions:

  1. Specialized Classes: Consider taking classes focused on specific areas where you lack knowledge, such as verb tenses or idiomatic phrases.

  2. Focused Practical Exercises: Engage in exercises that specifically target areas where you have difficulties, like practicing dialogues or writing texts.

7. Code-Switching

Involuntarily switching between English and the native language, known as code-switching, can be a sign of linguistic insecurity or lack of vocabulary. This phenomenon can disrupt the flow of communication and hinder the development of coherent thinking in English.

  • Solutions:

  1. Linguistic Immersion: Immerse yourself in environments where only English is spoken to reduce the need to switch languages.

  2. Vocabulary Expansion: Dedicate time to learning and practicing new English vocabulary, especially in areas where you feel less confident.

Each of these challenges represents an opportunity to grow and improve in English learning. By implementing these strategies, you can overcome barriers and advance towards greater fluency and confidence in the language. Persistence and constant practice are the keys to success!

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