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What is the best method for learning English?

Learning English is a goal desired by many people around the world, but finding the ideal method to achieve it can be a challenge. Although there are multiple options on the market, the reality is that there is no magic formula that guarantees success. In fact, many companies use marketing tactics that promote their methods as the best way to learn English, but in reality offer no significant advantage over traditional methods. The answer is simple, there is no one effective method on its own, but rather you need the right combination of methods to provide an effective route to learning English. However, it is important to remember that not all traditional methods are equal, and some may be very effective for certain people. The most important thing is to analyze all the options available and choose the one that best suits our needs and learning style.

One of the methods that has gained popularity in recent years is the Schechter method, which combines repetition lessons with game elements to make the learning process more fun and engaging. However, it is important to note that this method is not perfect and has serious shortcomings. For example, Schechter does not include formal assessments, which means that students do not receive adequate feedback on their progress. In addition, while gamification can be effective in maintaining students' interest, it does not guarantee that they are actually learning or improving their language skills.

In summary, although Schechter can propose entertaining activities to learn English, it is important to complement it with other strategies and seek constant feedback to achieve real progress in the language. Another bad sign of these methods is that they have zero academic support and there are no peer-reviewed studies to support their effectiveness. Schechter is just one example, but there are hundreds of "methods" with the sole objective of using descriptions that favor their marketing.

Often, people tend to attach any last name to a method and believe that this is enough to guarantee its effectiveness (and the prettier or more foreign the last name, the more "professional" it sounds). However, the reality is that there are many different methods, both traditional and modern, that can be used to teach a language. When choosing a method, it is important to take into account each person's individual learning style and goals, and not just follow a fad or trend. I will present some of the most common methods used to teach a language, with their main features and possible advantages. By knowing the options available, one can make a more informed and effective decision on the method that best suits one's needs.

  • Grammatical Method - Traditional

Focuses on teaching the grammar and syntax of the language, and is mainly used in the teaching of dead languages such as Latin.

  • Direct Method - Traditional

Emphasizes teaching the spoken language, without using the student's native language. Somewhat abrupt for people with emotional filters or hearing problems.

  • Audiolingual Method - Traditional

Focuses on repetition and memorization of language patterns and oral practice. Disadvantages students with sensory impairments.

  • Translation method - Traditional

Relies on translating texts from one language to another to help students understand the structures and vocabulary of the target language. Some students become dependent and have problems when the language is not literal.

  • Immersion Method - Traditional

Immerses the student in an environment where only the target language is spoken, with the hope that the student will learn naturally and effortlessly. May overwhelm students with lesser communicative skills.

  • Communicative Approaches - Modern

Focus on actual communication and language practice, rather than memorization and repetition of grammatical rules. A disadvantage is that several errors and fossilizations are generated if the assessment and feedback process is incomplete.

  • Task- or project-based learning - Modern

Focuses on hands-on learning through tasks and projects relevant to real life. Often, interactions are done by students in their native language.

  • Content-based learning - Modern

Focuses on teaching language through authentic and meaningful content, such as news articles, videos and music. May overwhelm students with lower communicative skills.

All methods have strengths and weaknesses that must be explored and exploited. Responsibly prepared language teachers know that there is no single method that is effective for all students. Instead, they recognize the importance of knowing and implementing a variety of teaching methods, depending on the learning needs of their students, the context in which they are being taught, and the desired learning objectives and outcomes. By choosing the right method, teachers can tailor their teaching to the individual needs of each student, allowing them to learn in a more effective and enriching way. In the end, this translates into greater success and satisfaction for both the student and the teacher.

It is important to understand that there is no magic or single method for learning a language. The best approach is a combination of several methods that allow students to experience the language from different perspectives, using a variety of tools and resources. This is why many people seek out private tutors, as a good language teacher should be able to offer a personalized approach that combines various teaching methods and techniques, tailored to the needs and goals of each student. Students should have the freedom to explore different approaches and discover what works best for them, I insist, even more effective if they activate and demand to be more autonomous and take charge of their own learning. Therefore, it is important to avoid those who claim to have the one and only best method, and instead choose an approach that allows for exploration and experimentation in language learning.

In conclusion, learning a language requires a comprehensive approach that combines different teaching methods and techniques. It is important to remember that each student has his or her own way of learning and understanding the language, and therefore, it is essential to experiment and vary approaches to find what works best for each student. Instead of relying on a single method or resource, we should make the most of all available resources, such as online classes, mobile apps, personalized tutoring, among others. I invite you to keep learning, to not be afraid to experiment with different methods and tools, and to have an open and flexible mind to adapt to the different ways we can learn a language.

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