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The 30 Vital Topics for Level A1 in English

Welcome! Are you ready to master Level A1 in your English learning journey? If you're looking for a clear and structured guide to strengthen your foundations or start from scratch, you've come to the right place. The books I used to determine the order were: English for Everyone by DK, Oxford Practice Grammar, and the Word by Word and Oxford picture dictionaries.

In this post, we will present you with a list of the 30 vital topics to complete Level A1. This list has been carefully crafted from a combination of valuable resources and my experience as a teacher. It serves as a useful tool to track your progress and ensure that you're addressing all the essential aspects to build a solid foundation in the English language."

Level A1 focuses on basic needs to sustain simple conversations and address immediate necessities. However, remember that some of these topics will reappear in higher levels, albeit with greater complexity and depth. It's important to pay attention to the section that mentions the communication topic, as you should seek reading and listening material related to that topic and eventually practice your writing and speaking skills within that context.

Whether you're starting your journey in English language learning or looking to reinforce your existing knowledge, this list will help you establish a logical order and identify the areas you need to focus on. It's time to take a step forward and reach your communication goals! Remember, this is just a suggestion, and you can adjust it according to your specific needs.

So get ready to explore the 30 vital topics of Level A1 and take your English proficiency to a whole new level. Unfortunately, the blog editor doesn't allow me to effectively copy tables, but at the end of this post, I have a surprise for you. Make sure to stick around until the end! Join us on this exciting adventure towards success in your language learning!

And here's the list of topics:

  • Class 1: Communication Topic: Greetings and introductions Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Basic greetings, names

  • Class 2: Communication Topic: Talking about nationalities and countries Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Countries and nationalities

  • Class 3: Communication Topic: Asking for and giving personal information Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Numbers, age, family

  • Class 4: Communication Topic: Describing people and physical appearance Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Physical descriptions, clothing

  • Class 5: Communication Topic: Talking about likes and preferences Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Activities, hobbies

  • Class 6: Communication Topic: Talking about daily routine Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Verbs related to daily routine

  • Class 7: Communication Topic: Talking about time and schedules Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Time expressions

  • Class 8: Communication Topic: Asking and answering yes/no questions Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Days of the week, daily routine

  • Class 9: Communication Topic: Asking for and giving directions Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: City vocabulary

  • Class 10: Communication Topic: Making plans and talking about the future Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Action verbs, activities

  • Class 11: Communication Topic: Talking about food and restaurants Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Food, drinks, restaurant vocabulary

  • Class 12: Communication Topic: Talking about past experiences Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Past action verbs

  • Class 13: Communication Topic: Talking about shopping and prices Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Shopping vocabulary

  • Class 14: Communication Topic: Talking about weather and seasons Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Vocabulary related to weather

  • Class 15: Communication Topic: Talking about travel and transportation Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Modes of transportation, tourist places

  • Class 16: Communication Topic: Talking about skills and abilities Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Skills, talents

  • Class 17: Communication Topic: Talking about health and symptoms Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Medical vocabulary, symptoms

  • Class 18: Communication Topic: Talking about family and relationships Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Family members, relationships

  • Class 19: Communication Topic: Talking about work and professions Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Professions, workplace

  • Class 20: Communication Topic: Talking about housing and places Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Housing vocabulary

  • Class 21: Communication Topic: Talking about leisure activities Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Recreational activities

  • Class 22: Communication Topic: Talking about events and celebrations Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Festivities, special events

  • Class 23: Communication Topic: Talking about future plans Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Future activities, intentions

  • Class 24: Communication Topic: Talking about emotions and feelings Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Emotions and feelings

  • Class 25: Communication Topic: Talking about technology and devices Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Technological vocabulary

  • Class 26: Communication Topic: Talking about nature and the environment Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Nature vocabulary

  • Class 27: Communication Topic: Talking about sports activities Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Sports, action verbs

  • Class 28: Communication Topic: Talking about past experiences Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Places, experiences

  • Class 29: Communication Topic: Talking about goals and aspirations Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Goals and dreams

  • Class 30: Communication Topic: General review and communicative practice Grammatical Topic: Present Simple: verb "to be" Vocabulary Topic: Conversations and exercises

This 30-class curriculum for English level A1 provides you with a solid foundation in communication, grammar, and vocabulary. To guide you better, I will leave the PDF here at the end for you to download. Since I am unable to paste tables in this editor, I will change how I displayed the list. As you progress through the plan, you will be able to improve your English communication skills in a variety of everyday situations. Remember to adapt the pace of study and practice to your personal needs and make sure to review and reinforce the concepts learned in each class. Good luck with your English studies!

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