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Actualizado: 1 mar 2023

Learning a new language can be a challenge, especially if you have a limited time and need to cram vocabulary

for a test or if you have to learn it for a job. If you've ever tried to learn a new language, you know how frustrating the process can be. The ability to learn vocabulary is a fundamental skill for academic success and language learning, but vocabulary learning can be a challenge. So a common sight, as a teacher, is to see your learners write "new vocabulary" in a chaotic manner. One reason is that vocabulary is often presented in isolation from context and other words, making it difficult to understand the meaning. In this article, I will share five ideas for improving your vocabulary learning in English, or any other language.


To improve your vocabulary, you should have a plan. The most common way that people begin improving their vocabularies is to use flashcards. Flashcard decks are pretty simple in theory; they are a series of words, each with a picture associated with it. People learn the words, and then review them, often in the form of questions and answers, until they memorize them. You can find different publishing houses have several options for this, or you could create your own. I personally recommend the Word by Word dictionary, it's an amazing picture dictionary and it is a game changer for any learners starting their english learning process.

Mind maps

A mind map is a diagram that helps you organize your thoughts and ideas. It is a visual tool that you can use to brainstorm and generate new ideas. This technique is useful for language learners who are just starting out and need to learn the basics. It's also a great way to help students learn vocabulario in a fun and interactive way. It allows you to see relationships among words, phrases, concepts, and topics. Make sure to use the right balance between images and words.

Mind maps are useful for many different purposes:

  • They can help you organize vocabulary by categories.

  • They can help you plan an essay or paper.

  • They can help you study for a test or exam.

They're really handy. Here's an example!

Always in context

One thing most learners do in common is once they hear a new word or expression that picks their interest, they will write it below their notes, or in a corner (and usually with its corresponding translation). No, I won’t criticize that. Add a sentence also. That would greatly improve your understanding of the word and it’ll be easier to recall later.

Reading, a lot!

Reading has been a key habit for centuries. It has helped many people improve their

vocabulary and understand the world better. Reading is also a great way to learn how to write well, as we are exposed to many different styles of writing while reading books or articles.Reading also can motivate you, the more you understand, the more you’d like to read. In these cases I love to have my Kindle and a good library to support it. And if it’s not possible, there are several sites with free access e-books (but I’ll dedicate a whole post for my top picks later). It is worth noting public libraries usually have a wide selection too, make sure you pay them a visit.

Affective filter in check

When we're learning a new word, we tend to see it as a black box, a mysterious thing that we can't possibly understand. But the fact is that words are nothing more than collections of letters. The trick is learning to see words as collections of letters, not as mysterious objects. Some people are afraid of unknown vocabulary, and that can be a real issue for them. If you are a student, you will need to study. But if the vocabulary is unknown to you, then it can be scary. This is where studying with flashcards or embedded dictionaries come in handy. You will be able to get your confidence back by learning the words that were once so scary for you.The best you can do is to read strategically and don’t judge yourself. It is a learning process

All in all, I hope that these tips will encourage you to find your way to learn vocabulary effectively. I know that it can take a lot of time and effort to learn new words and phrases, but it’s worth the investment. In my personalized clases I keep in mind we all have our own way of studying (and there’s a lot to talk about there), but one thing we can all do is improve by taking action and using the strategies that better take advantage of our style and learning networks.

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