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How to start learning English?

Welcome to the exciting adventure of learning English! I know it can seem overwhelming at first, but I'm here to help make it easier, more effective, and hopefully, fun. Learning English will open doors to new opportunities and allow you to communicate with people all over the world. Although it may take time and effort, it's never too late to start! With a step-by-step approach and effective resources, I assure you that you can learn English in a friendly and lively way. To do this, let's look at five points to get your English learning process off to a great start:

1. Course, tutor, or on your own

If you're interested in learning a language, there are several educational options available to you. Official courses, whether online or in person, are an excellent way to receive structured instruction and guidance from an experienced institution, especially if your level of autonomy is low. Additionally, there are also a great number of self-study materials, such as books, mobile apps, and software programs that can be useful for improving your skills autonomously, although you must be organized. Tutors, like myself, can help with specific language blocks. Another factor that decides this is the budget you have, both for the course or materials you choose. Learning a language, or anything for that matter, will require an investment, whether of time or capital. Now, if you're thinking of studying on your own, the most difficult part is determining an order of "topics" or "skills" to develop. In this case, you could follow a curriculum plan from well-regarded books such as the Cambridge Interchange series or English for Everyone from DK. I also have a video on a suggested order of topics here:

2. Being multimodal is the most effective way

When it comes to learning English, being multimodal can be the key to effective and comprehensive education. This means using a variety of resources, such as books, videos, apps, online classes, and conversations with native speakers to activate different skills, such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. By doing this, you will be improving your ability to understand and communicate in English more effectively. Being multimodal can also be a fun and exciting way to learn, as it allows you to experience and explore the language in different ways. So if you want to improve your English skills, make sure to be multimodal and try different resources to find the method that works best for you. Don't rely on just one course, app, website, or creator; use as many resources as possible.

3. Being patient and consistent, there are things that are learned and others that are acquired

When it comes to learning English, there are things that are simply learned, such as vocabulary and grammar, and others that are acquired through practice and exposure, such as fluency and argumentation. Although both are important, it is essential to understand that learning the language requires both processes. On the one hand, conscious learning can help you understand grammar rules and learn new vocabulary. On the other hand, natural language acquisition through practice and immersion in real communication situations will help you develop your language skills and feel more comfortable speaking. So, if you want to become a fluent English speaker, it is important to combine conscious learning and natural language acquisition through consistent practice and immersion in real-life situations.

4. Learning to use comprehensible input

Comprehensible input is the idea that in order to learn a language, one must expose oneself to language that is just beyond our current level of linguistic competence. This means that in order to keep improving, it's necessary to challenge oneself and listen to or read texts in English that may be a bit more complex than what we're used to. By doing this, our brain begins to recognize and learn new words and grammatical structures through context. Therefore, to improve our level of English, it's important to use materials that are a bit more difficult to understand, but are still comprehensible. This way, our brain will have to work a little harder, which will allow us to expand our vocabulary and improve our language skills more effectively.

5. Create study habits and have spaces to "explore" the language

If you are determined to learn English, it is important to take the time and resources necessary to do so effectively. Although it is true that there is no one "correct" way to learn a language, it is important to consider that establishing study habits and a specific schedule to focus on learning English can be very beneficial. By dedicating specific time of the day to reading, listening, speaking, or writing in English, you will be able to create a routine and habits that will help you progress steadily. Additionally, by having a set schedule for English language study, you will ensure that you are not interrupting your other important daily activities. So, if you want to learn English effectively, it is important to take it seriously and establish a routine that suits your needs and lifestyle.

I understand that learning a new language can seem overwhelming at first, especially if it is the first time you are tackling a language like English. But don't worry, it is normal to feel this way. The most important thing is that you start the learning process and enjoy it. Don't give up and don't get discouraged if it seems like you are progressing slowly. Remember that learning a language takes time and effort, and every small step you take will bring you closer to your goal. Also, don't be afraid to make mistakes or not understand something right away. Mistakes are part of the learning process, and it is through them that we can improve. So, go ahead and start learning English and enjoy the process! I hope that the topics on the blog and the resources on my social media or my YouTube channel will help you in your goal.

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