César García-Herreros29 dic 20233 Min. de lecturaMyths and FactsWhy Do We Translate When Learning English and How to Improve This Practice?Learning English can be filled with unexpected challenges. From reliance on our native language to the phenomenon of code-switching, it's...
César García-Herreros30 ago 20232 Min. de lecturaSelf-directed learningAn Effective Routine to Improve Your English Language LearningLearning a new language can be an exciting challenge that involves a constant commitment. Whether you are taking a formal course or have...
César García-Herreros20 may 20235 Min. de lecturaCuriosidades del idiomaLos 30 Temas Vitales para Nivel A1 en inglés¡Bienvenidos! ¿Estás listo para dominar el nivel A1 en tu aprendizaje del inglés? Si estás buscando una guía clara y estructurada para...
César García-Herreros20 mar 20233 Min. de lecturaSelf-directed learningConcentration and perseverance: how adults with ADD can improve their English language learningAttention deficit disorder (ADD) is often thought to affect only children, but the truth is that it can also occur in adults. The...